On Tuesday, February 15, University leaders and a current student presented the University of Minnesota’s 2022 capital request to the House Capital Investment Committee.
On Tuesday, February 15, University leaders and a current student presented the University of Minnesota’s 2022 capital request to the House Capital Investment Committee.
This capital request hearing marks an important step in the legislative process, giving legislators a chance to learn more about the University’s priority projects for the session. Both the House and Senate will release their bonding priorities later this session, and negotiate with Governor Walz on a final bill. Typically, legislators and the governor don’t agree on a final bonding bill until the end of the session, which is in May of this year.
Thank you to all who participated in this hearing!
Also, on February 15, the Minnesota Supreme Court released new legislative maps which will take effect for the 2022 elections:
Reminder: The new districts do not apply to legislators this session, so please continue to advocate for the University with your current elected officials! To learn more about redistricting, how to find your current elected officials, and other legislative issues, please join UMN Advocates.