December 8, 2016


Economic budget forecast released

On Friday, December 2, Minnesota Management and Budget released the state budget forecast, a $1.4 billion budget surplus for the 2018-19 biennium. A surplus of $678 million is also forecasted in the current 2016-17 biennium, after the statutory allocation of $334 million to the budget reserve. This allocation will bring the total reserve balance to $1.9 billion. Federal policy uncertainty, inflation, and slow growth expansion could decrease the projected surplus. Legislative leaders characterized this as a "status quo" forecast.

This forecast will guide spending decisions in the 2017 legislative session. However, the February forecast may revise these numbers, and will be the final marker for budget decisions in the spring.

The University of Minnesota is requesting $147.2 million in the FY 2018-19 biennial budget, and $245.1 million for seven capital projects.

Special session discussions continue

Also on Friday, December 2, legislative leaders and the governor resumed discussions for a special legislative session before the end of the year. The special session would likely address health care costs, a tax bill pocket vetoed by the governor in late spring, and a bonding bill also considered last session but not passed by both bodies. Legislative leaders and the governor are targeting December 20 for the special session. However, only the framework has been discussed; the details have yet to be agreed upon.

State relations gears up social media for session

Over the last few weeks, @UMNGovRelations has congratulated new legislators via Twitter, providing them with infographics about the University of Minnesota's impact in their districts. Many new legislators have responded positively to the targeted messaging, which is part of a larger social media outreach strategy with state legislators.

In addition, Government Relations launched a new Twitter handle to facilitate and expand the University's advocacy efforts. The new handle, @UMNAdvocates will support state, federal, and community relations efforts through expanded social media interactions, advocacy, conversation, and outreach. Please take a moment to follow @UMNAdvocates, and like and retweet our messages throughout the legislative session.