State Relations

Minnesota State Capitol

State Relations promotes the interests of all five University of Minnesota campuses with our elected officials in St. Paul and with other organizations around the state. We increase support for the University’s mission by illuminating the University’s contributions to research, education, public service, and the economy.

Minnesota Legislature convenes on January 14, 2025

On January 14, 2025, the Minnesota Legislature will convene its 84th legislative session. This session, state legislators and the governor will work to pass a state budget for the next biennium (July 2025 - June 2026). Together, they determine how the state’s General Fund (individual income taxes, sales taxes, corporate, and other taxes) will be spent, including how much funding the University of Minnesota will receive to support its education, research and outreach programs. Learn more about the University's legislative requests below.

 State Budget RequestState Capital Request

Setting University Legislative Priorities

Legislative priorities of the University are prepared in consultation with the President, the Provost, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations, and Government Relations and then referred to the Board of Regents for review and action. Once the recommendations are approved, the Board submits them to the Minnesota Legislature and executive branch agencies for consideration in the upcoming legislative session.

If you are interested in submitting a budget or capital request for consideration by the Legislature or Governor, please consult with the Dean of your college and the Office of the Provost. Government Relations cannot approve or deny budget or capital requests, and will only support projects or budget requests submitted by the Board of Regents.


Christine Kiel

Christine Kiel

Director of Government Relations
[email protected]
Focus area: Health sciences



Andrew Chelseth

Andrew Chelseth

Associate Director of Government Relations
[email protected]
Focus areas: Agriculture, energy, environment, K-12 education


Keeya Steel headshot

Keeya Steel

Government Relations Communications Analyst 
[email protected] 
Focus area: UMN Advocates, fiscal notes, mandated reports.

Adam Yust

Adam Yust

Government Relations Analyst

[email protected]