February 20, 2015


Kaler presents budget request to House Higher Ed

On Tuesday, February 17, President Kaler presented the University of Minnesota's biennial budget request before the House Higher Education Committee. Vice President for Health Sciences and Medical School dean Brooks Jackson and nursing professor and faculty legislative liaison Lyn Bearinger also testified in support of the request, which now includes a revised Healthy Minnesota and Medical School component. Representatives thanked Kaler for his presentation and had many follow-up questions.Support the U Day

About 200 students from all five campuses rallied at Coffman Union on Thursday, February 12, as part of Support the U Day. Afterward the students participated in over 100 meetings with legislators at the Capitol, double the number of meetings from last year. Students encouraged legislators to support the University’s budget request, particularly the proposed two-year tuition freeze.

Legislative Action Kickoff

Earlier this month, almost 200 students, faculty, alumni, and staff gathered for the 2015 Legislative Briefing to learn about the University’s budget request and how to advocate for it at the State Capitol. During the pre-program reception, attendees mingled with students and faculty directly affected by the four budget request components. President Kaler addressed the crowd, along with Minnesota Student Association president Joelle Stangler. Attendees generated hundreds of postcards addressed to their legislators, asking for their support for the University this legislative session.