Investment in the University of Minnesota —
a catalyst for Minnesota’s success

Partner with the University of Minnesota to stretch limited resources and do more with less
Request: $120 million recurring
Invest in critical needs to support statewide education, research, and outreach programs, and the people who make these programs successful, while minimizing tuition increases. Learn more

Overcome a healthcare crisis in rural, Tribal, and underserved communities
Request: $45 million recurring
Address Minnesota’s workforce shortages; reduce health inequities through community partnerships; improve healthcare quality through interprofessional education and research; and advance treatments and disease prevention. Learn more

Drive Minnesota’s economy, funding vital investment while addressing society’s greatest challenges
Request: $40 million recurring
Advance innovation and new technologies in four promising sectors with strategic statewide benefits, including economic development and sustainability: biomanufacturing; advanced agriculture; hypersonics; and green iron. Learn more

Support Minnesota’s future leaders – 70,000+ University of Minnesota students throughout the state
Request: $30 million recurring
Invest in mental health services, tutoring, and academic support; address challenges such as food and housing insecurity; and provide active learning environments to deliver cutting-edge education for students. Learn more