House and Senate committees hear overviews

House and Senate committees continued to hear overviews from state departments and agencies, as well as from key stakeholders, during the third week of the 2021 legislative session. 

House and Senate committees continued to hear overviews from state departments and agencies, as well as from key stakeholders, during the third week of the 2021 legislative session. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution

The legislature dedicated several hearings this week to Minnesota Department of Health officials providing updates on Minnesota’s COVID-19 vaccination distribution plan. 

On Monday, January 18, state officials announced the launch of a COVID-19 vaccine pilot program, partnering with local public health officials and school districts. The program targets adults 65 years of age and older, PreK-12 educators and staff, and child care workers. The community vaccination pilot program will be the foundation for mass vaccination clinics once vaccine supply is increased. Nine pilot sites were launched this week with a small number of doses for eligible Minnesotans.

Next week

On Tuesday, January 26, President Gabel will present the University of Minnesota’s FY22-23 budget request to the House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee. This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast.

Also on Tuesday, Governor Walz is expected to release his biennial budget recommendations.