Higher ed conference committee proposes $18.67 million for U of M

Higher ed conference committee proposes $18.67 million for U of M

On Monday, May 1, the higher education conference committee announced its budget agreement. The conference committee proposed $18.67 million in new state funding for the University of Minnesota in FY18-19. The proposal includes funding for three requested University initiatives, all recurring for the biennium:

  • MnDRIVE - $2 million
  • NRRI - $2 million
  • Health Training and Services - $14 million  

The proposal contains funding for two non-requested items: $50,000 for a program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and $1 million for tuition payment assistance on the Morris campus. The proposal also reduces the base adjustment funding for the Bell Museum by $376,000. 

President Kaler released a statement on the conference committee's proposal, stating, "This decision jeopardizes the University's impact across Minnesota and is disappointing not for the University, but for the entire state."

View a comparison of the U of M's budget request and current proposals. 

The conference committee approved the bill language and financial figures, but it did not formally close the conference committee and send the bill to the House and Senate floors for passage. Further, the governor was not involved with these final negotiations by the legislature, and the legislature and governor have not agreed on joint funding targets. As a result, the conference committee may choose to send this bill to the floors for passage and on to the governor for a possible veto, or they may keep the bill "open" to negotiate final language with the governor.  

Senate committees hold joint HEAPR hearing

Also on Monday, May 1, Senate Capital Investment and the Senate Higher Education Committee held a joint hearing on Higher Education Asset Preservation and Replacement (HEAPR) funding. President Eric Kaler presented an overview of the University's HEAPR request and emphasized that HEAPR is the U of M's number one priority for capital investment funding. Interim Vice President for University Services Mike Berthelsen illustrated specific HEAPR projects in critical need of funding. The joint committee also requested a brief overview of the University's full 2017 Capital Request.

House proposes $30 million for U of M HEAPR projects

Additionally, on Monday, May 1, the House Capital Investment Committee unveiled a $600 million general obligation bonding bill, with over 1/3 of this amount dedicated to transportation projects. Included in the bill is $30 million for University of Minnesota HEAPR projects, and only $62.4 million in general obligation bonds for higher education overall (U of M and Minnesota State).  The House did not include any additional funding for U of M priority projects.   

The committee will process the bill tomorrow, and receive public testimony.  The Senate, by comparison, has a bonding bill awaiting floor action that includes over $81 million for the University, and the governor recommended $154.4 million for the "U."

View a comparison of the U of M's capital request and proposals.