February 17, 2017

Second annual UMAA Capitol Intern and Alumni Networking Breakfast

Second annual UMAA Capitol Intern and Alumni Networking Breakfast

Today, February 17, legislators and legislative staff who are University of Minnesota alumni attended a networking breakfast with current students who are interning at the State Capitol. President Kaler addressed the crowd of 60 interns and alumni, highlighting the critical role the University plays in the state and the importance of alumni networking with current students. Alumni Association CEO Lisa Lewis also addressed the group, discussing how a robust alumni network can benefit everyone. Senator Kari Dziedzic and Representative Randy Jessup shared their personal U of M experiences with attendees.

Bulldog Day at the Capitol

On February 16, more than 50 University of Minnesota Duluth students traveled to St. Paul for Bulldog Day at the Capitol. The students visited with lawmakers and discussed important issues like tuition and the Chemistry and Advanced Materials Sciences Building bonding request. The advocates also told lawmakers their personal stories about why they chose UMD and what they want to do with their degrees to make Minnesota a better place.

Ways and Means hears U of M budget and trends

On Monday, February 13, the House Ways and Means Committee requested the University to present its budget and trends. Senior Vice President for Finance and Budget Operation Brian Burnett and Budget Director Julie Tonneson presented the committee with the requested information, as well as an update on the University’s performance measures and an overview of the University’s budget request. View the presentation.

House Capital Investment hears U of M’s HEAPR request 

On Wednesday, February 8, Interim Vice President for University Services Mike Berthelsen and Assistant Vice President Brian Swanson presented the University’s 2017 HEAPR request to the House Capital Investment Committee. The presentation explained the project selection process and the importance of timely facility renewal systemwide. The presentation also highlighted specific projects that would be funded. View the presentation.

Senate Higher Ed and Aging and Long Term Care Committees hear AHC presentation

On Thursday, February 9, the Senate Higher Education Committee met jointly with the Senate Aging and Long Term Care Committee to hear about workforce training and helping people age in place. School of Public Health dean John Finnegan provided an overview of the Academic Health Center and health professional training and education. Dr. Jim Pacala, professor and associate head in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, presented on his research as a geriatrician. Finally, Dr. Diane Treat-Jacobson, professor in the School of Nursing, presented on her research on how to help people stay in their homes longer. 

Minnesota Principals Academy

On February 6, the Senate E-12 Finance Committee heard a bill to fund operations of the Minnesota Principals Academy in the College of Education and Human Development. Yesterday, February 16, the House Education Finance Committee heard the companion bill. At both hearings, program director Dr. Katie Pekel provided testimony in support of the bill.